MI Effects Lo Fi Delay Pedal

MI Effects Lo Fi Delay Pedal
The Lo-Fi delay is a unique take on the analog/digital hybrid design. Built around the PT2399 chip, the secret to its tone starts with the filtering derived from the cherished analog delays of yesteryear. The Hi/Lo switch gives you access to two types of filter cutoffs for a ‘natural’ analog sound, or a darker and warmer echo tone.
A unique feature of the Lo-Fi is the Input control, which adjusts how hot the signal is going into the delay line. This was created with a wide range, and the ability to deliberately overdrive the delay line for a dirty echo. Alternatively, it can be used to adjust the level for optimal signal-to-noise ratio. The Lo-Fi also sports the standard delay Time (up to approximately 600ms of delay), Level (which mixes in the wet signal) and Repeats (feedback). Unlike standard delays, the Lo-Fi is designed to go into self-oscillation very quickly, with the tipping point at approximately 1 O’clock on the Repeats control. This opens up the creative possibilities of this unit.
Speaking of creativity, one thing which really sets the Lo-Fi apart from its peers is the incredible modulation section. Not only are the standard Rateand Depth controls easily accessible on the outside of the pedal, but a waveform switch allows you to choose from a triangle or square wave modulation. Choose triangle wave with low Rate and Depth settings for a convincing faux tape echo, or a square wave with a higher Depth for a glitchy 8-bit computer effect. Warbles and stepped, pseudo pitch-shifting are the Lo-Fi‘s speciality.
To top it all off, the Trails switch allows you to keep the delays going after the unit is switched off. Since the controls are still active, you can adjust the sound of the echo trails even in bypass if you choose. Besides this, the stereo output jack gives you access just to the delay signal on its own via the ring. A simple stereo splitter allows you to then further process the delay signal.
Made in Sydney, Australia with 5 Year Warranty
Bypass: Buffered Bypass
Power: 9V Battery or 9VDC power supply only; 2.1mm jack, negative centre
Current draw: 30mA
Input Impedance: 500kΩ
Output Impedance: <1kΩ
Controls: Repeats, Time, Level, Input, Rate, Depth, Trails (on/off), tone (lo/hi), waveform (triangle/square)
Size: 2.2″ x 4.3″ (55.9mm x 109.2mm)