Kinman Eric Clapton Noiseless Pickup Set - White - With Logo
Kinman Eric Clapton Noiseless Pickup Set - White - With Logo
Clapton's Brownie / Blackie set - Zero-Hum
Also Available in Black or Aged White cover options, With or without logo and Left hand versions upon request
Our boxed set contains non-aged sound Impersonator A56 for all 3 pickups. Inspiring, stimulating and exciting. Sound with a nice bite and Bell-like ring. Zero-Hum.
Clapton's Brownie was a 1956 Strat with original 56 pickups considered by many to be the best sounding Strat pickups from Fender. The original Blackie reputedly had early 70's pickups which a lot of players report have an unexciting, somewhat bland but bright sound which we have no desire to emulate. The Impersonator A56 has the treble response and we added some nice dynamics and some nice gritty bite and Bell-like ring that genuine 56 Strat pickups were known for. We think Blackie would have sounded even better with the Impersonator A56.
It must be borne in mind that our pickups are versatile and under different amplification environments and in the hands of different artists can deliver a wide range of sounds and that's the reason you'll see the same models included in various different Artist sets.
This set is our take on the Artists sound and is not intended to infer the artist uses these pickups, although some do.